It is easy to pick up on the negative news and the dismal information blitz about the state of the national economy. Here's my big insight for you: don't let it. Guard your heart and mind or it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead each day focus on the positives and make a conscious effort to see the opportunities around you. They are present if you look for them.
While you don't need any validation for these sentences, take a quick look at the cover of last week's New Yorker magazine:
Where are the opportunities around you? If you have been writing for children and that isn't providing enough income or publishing opportunities, can you move to a different age group or different type of writing (from books to magazines or online markets)? There is a vast array of possibilities in the publishing area--if you are open to them. I give some of those possibilities in the sample from Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams because it includes the first chapter of my book.
Whether you have your own products or no products, you can open the possibility of earning passive income through affiliate programs. I have a free program which includes training about how to use the tools. If you have a blog or a website, with very little effort on your part, you can add my product ads to the side bar of your blog and forget about it. When someone uses that ad to purchase the product, you will receive a notification and I receive notification, then in a few weeks you will receive a check. Why do I give away 50% of my income from these products? It's simple. Different people will go by your websites or blogs than will go to my different websites. I'm expanding my reach and you are earning some extra income. If you have a newsletter or are involved in an online group, you can add your affiliate link to your signature line. If someone purchases the product, you earn money from that simple action.
In the last few days, I've worked with a designer to create two different banner ads. One of them is for a horizontal position:

While the other ad is smaller and vertical:

Each of these ads are "clickable" and take you to my site for Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams. It's a way that I'm using the tools which are in my possession and I can actively do something about.
Many elements of the publishing world are outside of our control. Take responsibility for what you can and move ahead with it. Action will pay off much more than doing nothing.
Labels: affiliate, Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams, opportunity