
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Pour Creativity Into Your Marketing


By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin

Hopefully every writer pours a solid dose of creative energy into their writing and their mansucript. Ironically it is in the writing where the bulk of writers put their energy. I understand and believe it is important to build a solid foundation in the writing and storytelling. You select a way to publish your book and get it into the world. 

After your book is available to others, then you move into a different area where you market or sell your book. To help in this process, I recorded a free teleseminar where I gave a dozen different ways to sell books (follow the link to check it out).  In this article, I want to call a different aspect of the writing business to your attention: creative marketing. 

In the process of marketing your book, it often takes some financial investment such as to hire a publicist or to produce marketing materials or any number of other aspects. What if you dont have the money or your financial resources are limited? Keep reading this article because I have some ideas and examples which any of you can do if you take action with these creative marketing ideas.

Several years ago I learned about Publishizer which is a free fund-raising tool. If you follow the link, you will see Morgan James Publishing has their own branded version of it. In some ways, Publishizer is like some other fundraising sites like GoFundMe or Kickstarter. Publishizer is focused on books where you can use these other places for many different kinds of fundraising projects. Check this page to get more details about how it works. 

Before your book is published, you can use Publishizer to create different packages. Then you can use an email list or social media to promote those packages and gather pre-sales on your book or funds which you can use for creating the packages but also for marketing or anything else you need with your book. Several years ago I worked with Terri Levine who is a Morgan James author. Terri used this tool to create her campaign and as you can see from the website, she raised $12,500 using this system. 

I met Kirsten Pistorius through her childrens book submission to Morgan James Publishing. She wrote and illustrated a beautiful picture book called My Little Prayer Book: Inspirational Verses for Children. Her campaign is just starting and in pre-sales. I encourage you to look at it and if you can help her with some pre-sales. 
If you want to use Publishizer, I encourage you to carefully study the website to learn about the packages and pitches other authors have made for their books, then use these ideas for the creative marketing you will pour into your book.

Publishizer is not for one type of book. Terri Levines book was a nonfiction business book. Kirsten Pistorius has a childrens book and she lives in Zimbabwe. You can also use Publishizer for fiction. Debra McIntyre has published a historical novel with Morgan James called A Wishful Eye. Follow this link to check out Debs campaign which is also in process (which means you can participate in her campaign and get one of her packages). 

Using Publishizer is a creative way to turn your marketing into book sales and money. You can use this process in the early days of your marketing. 

Also you can use Publishizer after your book is already in the market to create a special sales campaign. Just like the regular program, you have to fill out a form and apply to Publishizer to use the tool for your campaign. Follow this link to the form if you want to create a special sales campaign. 

The key message I want to make with this article is there is not one path or one strategy to use with your book marketing. You can use several different strategies with your plans. Its important to learn about these opportunities, then take action and use them effectively for your book. I hope Ive helped open your eyes to some possibilities other authors are using--and you can use as well. 

If you have used Publishizer or have other creative ways you are marketing your book, let me know in the comments below.


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Sunday, October 06, 2024

It Boils Down to Choice

By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin

As writers, we live in a world of many choices. Do you write this story or this online article or this screenplay or this book? In this article I want to give a personal story and practical example of a choice and change I have made in my own life.

Throughout any day, each of us make many choices. One of the most personal choices relates to what you eat and drink. Through the years, I have made poor choices in this area. During my 29 years of marriage, my wife has watched my weight go up and then down. As Ive grown older, she wondered if I would ever go down again. A few months ago, I made a decision to change what I was eating. Ive eliminated sugar and carbs in my diet and focused on my eating. It has not been an easy choice because I love to eat many of the things I have not been eating. Like many things we do, the process is slow and takes time. During the last few months, Ive dropped 30 pounds and Im at one of my lowest weights in about 15 years. 

As an example, I am not drinking sodas but instead I am drinking more water. For a snack, I am not eating chips, popcorn and cookies as in the past but instead eating vegetables or a hard boiled egg. I make these simple food choices every time I eat something. Over time, I have dropped the weight or pounds. I dont pretend that these choices are simple but they have to be made consistently and the results compound over time. 

I understand every day and each meal is a choice what I eat and do not eat. Ive decided for the benefit of my health and the longevity of my life to continue on this course for the rest of my life. Yes occasionally I can make a different eating choice but overall Ive come to a peace with this choice. Many of my relatives and ancestors made a different choice and were known as big men (read heavy). Im certain that choice took years off their lives and daily health. Im determined to make a different choice in this area and continue this pattern. 

In many ways it is like our writing life, there are many choices. Do you watch a TV show or write more words on your current book project? The choices we make determine what we will accomplish during our lifetime. Many people wonder how Ive written over 80 books and for more than 50 publications. Ive had incredible opportunities and Im grateful for each one. A lot of it boils down to choice and making the right choice for you day in and day out.

As Ive written in the past, writing is like the age old question, how do you eat an elephant? The answer is simple: one bite at a time. Just like eating an elephant, we write one sentence and one paragraph and one page at a time. As we keep writing pages, after a while, those pages turn into a book manuscript or a book proposal or a magazine article. We accomplish it sitting at our keyboard and putting words on our screen.

Throughout this article, Ive been writing about how what we accomplish in our writing or our lives boils down to choice. What choices are you making in your personal or writing life? Let me know in the comments below.

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