Publishing Takes A Team
On the surface, it is often not
clear but sucessful publishing takes a team. The work of a writer is a solitary
task where you understand your target audience (reader) and craft your words
into a manuscript for various publications. As I've mentioned in the pages of
these entries, your relationships with others is a critical part of this
process. I understand many writers have chosen to self-publish which is
definitely a choice but in this article I want to give several examples of why
you need a team.
The team can get your book
reviewed in respected journals. For many years, I've read the monthly Cox Report
from Midwest
Book Review. On their site, they have submission guidelines and I've sent a
few of my books to them but (like every review outlet), they receive thousands
of books and only pick a few to review. Months ago, Morgan James
Publishing submitted my Book Proposals That Sell (The Revised
Edition) to Midwest Book Review. Getting the book to the right
person is a critical part of this process. Jim Cox selected my book to review.
As I read the Cox Report, I grateful for the team and that my book was
reviewed. You can read the full
review here but here's the section that stood out to me: “Critique: Simply
stated, if you only have time to read one 'how to' guide to getting published,
whether it be traditional publishing or self-publishing, "Book Proposals That
Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success" is that one DIY instructional book.
Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, it can help the aspiring
writer to avoid costly and time consuming mistakes with respect to getting
published and having that published book brought to the attention of its
intended readership.”
To get such a review was a feat
of the team effort, but using this review on an on-going effort for the book is
also important. I continue to use the review from time to time in my social
media feed and other places plus I used some of the words to create a unique
image. You can use these tools as well and get lifetime access if you follow this link. I use
this tool several times a week so it has become an important part of my regular
As I've mentioned in these
articles, thousands of books are published every day. Many books never appear
inside a brick and mortar bookstore and are only sold online. As someone who has
been in publishing for years, you want your book in many different places—brick
and mortar as well as online. You have to be with the right publisher to get
your book inside a bookstore. Several years ago, I was going through the
Philadelphia airport and missed my connection. I spent the bulk of that day
inside the airport waiting for my next flight. Out of sheer boredom, I went into
the airport bookstore to look around and found my Billy Graham
biography. Notice this picture from inside the airport bookstore. Over the
years, I've seen numerous Morgan James Publishing books inside the bookstore. You have
to be working with the right publisher for this placement to
Over the last ten years, I've
brought numerous authors and books to Morgan James
Publishing (follow this link and my contact information is on the bottom of
the second page—email and direct phone). If I can help you, don't hesitate to
reach out to me. I'm always looking for the right authors and
I hope through these examples,
you understand publishing is a team effort and you need to be with the right
team. How have you seen publishing takes a team? Let me know in the comments
Does your fiction or nonfiction have a business plan? Every type of book needs a proposal—even if you self-publish. Get this resource.
Check out this article:
Each month I write an original article for the BRMCWC blog. Writer, What Is Your Side Hustle? I hope it gives you some new ideas for your own writing life.
Labels: airport, book, book reviews, bookstores, Jim Cox, Midwest Book Review, Morgan James Publishing, Publishing Takes A Team, self-publishing, selling books, Terry Whalin, The Writing Life

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