
Thursday, June 07, 2012

A Call to Action for Every Author

Authors pour tons of energy into writing the best possible book. Yet after the book is published, they expect the book to “magically” sell to others. THE ENTREPRENEURIAL AUTHOR is about taking action. 

In the early pages of this book, the authors write, “Do Entrepreneurial Authors exist in real life or only in fairy tales? The answer is yes. They do exist in real life, but their success and balance are like a fairy tale. They exist all around you…This book has been written to make the dream vividly clear to you. If you can see the dream, you can will it to come true. If you can will it to come true, you can take the steps to empower your will with actions. The Entrepreneurial Author does more than read books and attend seminars about achievement and success. They take action, do something, and shake the tree.” (Page 11-12)

The book is organized into five chapters: The Goals, The Setting, The Tools, The Secrets, and The Next Steps. Grab your yellow highlighter as you read this book. You will discover numerous insights and action items. 

THE ENTREPRENEURIAL AUTHOR is the type of book which can be read and re-read annually with fresh insights. I highly recommend it.

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