Are You An Evangelist?
Many people assume an evangelist is an occupation for someone like Billy Graham. I'm using the word in the secondary Webster definition: “Someone who talks about something with great enthusiasm.” Pause for a moment and consider what topics you face with enthusiasm and are actively telling other people about it.
In recent weeks, I've been an Overdrive evangelist. Using Overdrive on my phone has raised the amount of books I'm consuming—audio books. Overdrive is a free app that I downloaded on my phone and it is tied to your local library. You can check out the audio book from your library for 21 days then download the entire book on your phone. Now that I have the audio on my phone, I can use it anywhere. I listen to the book while I walk on the treadmill. Because of Bluetooth, I listen to the same book in my car—even when I drive a short distance. Recently I've been traveling and I've listened to these audio books in the airport or on the airplane. If I have my phone, then I have access to the audio book.
You can have different library cards on Overdrive. Each library has purchased different books so you can access a different selection. Currently I have three library cards and recently drove into Denver to get a Denver Public Library Card because they have a larger selection of books on Overdrive.
I listen to a great deal of nonfiction—business books, biography, memoir and how-to books. You can see many of these books just checking this location on Goodreads. After I hear a book, I will write a short review and post it on Goodreads and Amazon. This practice doesn't take much time but increases the number of reviews I post because of the increased volume of audio books I've been consuming.
In my conversations at writers' conferences, I've been asking people if they use Overdrive. If they say, “No.” Then I pass along my experience and how they could use it as well. I've become an evangelist for this program.
Passion and enthusiasm is important for every writer. It is your passion that sustains you for the writing and marketing of a book. For example, for many years I've been passionate about teaching writers how to craft a great book proposal or pitch for their book. I've written a book. I've taught the material at various writers' conferences. I continue to write about book proposals in my Book Proposal Boot Camp column for Southern Writers Magazine. I have a free teleseminar on the topic and also my free book proposal checklist.
My passion for book proposals has been actively passed on to others. Others have recommended my Book Proposals That Sell or my Write a Book Proposal course or other resources. It's been encouraging to see the Amazon reviews for the book and the feedback from other writers who have used my book to locate a literary agent or get a publishing deal.
How is your passion for your writing translating into action? A book? An online course? A teleseminar? A workshop for a conference? The possible ways for you to pass on your enthusiasm are endless.
How does your passion show in your conversation and writing? Some ideas at: (ClickToTweet)
Labels: audio books, book proposals, Book Proposals That Sell, evangelist, library, Overdrive, passion, Southern Writer magazine

2 Comment:
I would also urge you to check out other programs from more library-friendly companies that allow a library to actually own their material and their platform as opposed to spending public taxpayer money renting a platform from OverDrive (which is owned by a foreign private equity firm). In Colorado you have a great statewide platform being built by libraries themselves where the libraries actually own the ebooks they are buying, as well as the platform they're on. Google Douglas County eBook Project and learn about it. There are way better companies to become an evangelist for.
Interesting comment. Thank you. Your comment is more focused on the internal library politics of Overdrive rather than the functionality. The typical user in my view cares little that something is "foreign-owned." Overdrive is a great resource for every writer and if there are other options--I know about Hoopla--then I'm unaware of them. My focus was on audio books--and not ebooks.
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