Tested Insight Is on Every Page

Do you need hard evidence of the benefit of communication? "In 2012, Watson Wyatt Worldwide, a global management consulting firm, released a comprehensive study (covering 328 organizations representing five million employees) that reported that companies with effective communicators had 47 percent higher total returns to shareholders over the prior five years than the firms considered to have the least effective communicators." (p xiv)
Whether you use a particular chapter such as "Saying No and Giving Others Bad news without Damaging the Relationship" or read this book cover to cover. You will profit from the wealth of teaching. At 475 pages, you may wonder if the information in COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE! is overwhelming. It is not. Booher has organized the entire book into 1254 tips. You can read this book in short bursts to improve your communication skills in different areas. For example, in the chapter, Winning People over to Your Way of Thinking: Being Persuasive, "Tip 376. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. If nothing else works, try the broken-record technique. If you state your message often enough in a variety of ways, eventually somebody will listen. If you hear something often enough, it becomes part of the atmosphere, like humidity. Repetition forms the core of advertising." (Page 134)
Communication affects every area of our life. As Booher says, "Failure to communicate is the frustration of modern management, the dating scene, and the family dinner table. Over time, all human relationships depend on the sum total of good interactions, stacked end to end. Personally or professionally, communications becomes a life-or-death issue." (p xvii)
I'm enthused about this book because at the heart of every valued relationship is good communication. As you become a better communicator, many areas of life will thrive. I highly recommend you get this book and use it to become a better communicator.

Labels: book, book reviews, communication, Dianna Booher

1 Comment:
Thanks, Terry. Glad you liked the book. Very helpful blog you have here!
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