Re-Use Your Interviews
By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin
You may wonder if anyone listens to the radio. Just because you don’t commute or listen to the radio or podcasts, that does not mean large numbers of other people do listen to the radio. If you have any doubts, just read this recent article from the Pew Research Center. Radio can be a powerful medium to tell others about your book or area of expertise.
Recently one of my Morgan James authors was on In the Market with Janet Parshall speaking for an hour about the topic of her book. This radio program has a large audience and is simultaneously broadcast on 700 radio stations. I was thrilled for my author to have such broad exposure for her book. While that one-time broadcast was powerful, what if you could use this interview over and over?
I called my author and recommended she get the actual audio from the interview, then store it on her own website (so it never disappears or changes). With this additional effort, she can tell others about this interview over and over through social media, her newsletter and other places. Because the interview was live radio, it will sound fresh in a month or a year and attract new readers to her topic and her book. In this article, I’m encouraging you to use such a strategy to continually gain new listeners about your book.
Let’s take a step back and ask, is the media interviewing you? If so, I applaud your efforts. How do you get these interviews? Do you pitch yourself to producers or did you hire a publicist? Either option is a good one to get connected to these media experts who need fresh material for their radio programs. You can serve these journalists and also reach new people about your book. In these articles, I’ve written about radio interviews before (follow this link). I encourage you to get as much mileage and use out of these intereviews as possible.
I’m conviced every author or would-be author needs to learn about the power of radio. Use this link to learn how Alex Carroll has built a huge following, book sales and business on the radio.
When it comes to working with the media, don’t be a one and done interview. Instead take some extra actions to get more mileage from your efforts. There are many radio programs and stations looking for you to interview. They simply haven’t gotten the right pitch from you or a publicist.
Each of us have to be continually pitching our important topic and expertise to get these interviews in the first place, then use them to their fullest potential. Each of us are making choices and need to make the best choice then use our resources with wisdom and consist action.
What actions are you taking to get media interviews on the radio or podcasts? How are you re-using your resource to get the greatest exposure and mileage from it? Let me know in the comments below.
My Articles in Other Places.
In these articles, I often encourage you to publish your book on other blogs and other places. Here’s some of my articles which have been published recently:
Six Reasons to Write Reviews. On Writers on the Move, I give a the details and encourage every writer to be writing reviews.Tweetable:
Labels: action, Alex Carroll, interviews, media, persistence, podcast, promotion, radio, Re-Use Your Interviews, strategy, Terry Whalin, The Writing Life

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