Publish In Many Different Places
By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin
As an author, I encourage you to
write and publish in a variety of places. As your work appears in different
places, you reach new audiences with your message. In this article, I want to
give you several recent examples where I've been doing this process. As you look
at the various articles, I hope it will stir you to take similar action for your
own writing. The world contains many opportunties for each of us—but we have to
actively get our work into the market on a consistent and regular basis.
Notice each of these websites
have different audiences yet they are all in the area of writing and publishing.
It's because the writing community is the audience for each of these articles.
Who is the audience for your writing? Who are some of the leading bloggers and
communicators in your area? I'm talking about people you read their material and
admire their work. In some ways these people could be considered competitors to
your work but can you take a different mindset and change them into someone you
can cooperate and help. Do they have books you can read, review and promote to
get their attention? Do they allow guest bloggers on their website or blog? Do
they have guidelines for guest bloggers (be sure to follow their instructions if
they do)?
I've received email pitches to be
a guest blogger. Many of these pitches don't even have my first name in th email
and were probably spammed out to many people at the same time. I don't answer
these emails but simply mark them as Spam and they are deleted. What does that
tell you about successful pitching? Personalize every pitch to guest blog. Use
the person's name in the opening line and say something personal about their
blog—a new entry you liked or something that shows you know what they are
publishing—then you make your pitch. Capture their attention so they know you
are pitching only to them, then make your pitch.
While I hope these questions have
stirred some ideas and potential places for you to write, I'm going to show you
four different places that my writing has recently appeared. As you read these
articles, notice my bio and what I've done in each one to provide links to my
books to purchase, free information to resources I'm giving away (if they join
my newsletter) and links to my social media. I've also provided images in my bio
which tie to my writing. You can follow a similar path as you write other
places. You are only limited by your own creativity.
The Challenge for Every Book Author. Every author faces an
important task: deciding how they will publish their book. This process is what
I wrote about in this article.
Assumptions. With a few keystrokes on Google or reading a few online posts,
authors make decisions about publishers without actually exploring the company,
speaking with the editor and their authors. It's what I wrote about in this
article and caution against making these assumptions.
Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer's Conference Blog: I'm Tired
Of Pitching My Writing. It's a common feeling among writers—whether they
verbalize it or not. They are tired of pitching. I tackle this topic head on and
explain how pitching is a part of every aspect of publishing. Yes you may be
tired of it but if you want to get published, you have to pitch and learn to
pitch with excellence. You can read the details in this article.
Almost An Author: Thrive In the Quiet Holidays. Every year
like clockwork, email and phone calls come to a screeching hault. It's the time
of year right before Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. As a writer, do you
simply pause during these months? It's not what I recommend in my article.
Instead I give some strategies to thrive during this quiet period.
From reading these articles, you
can see I'm a glass half full type of person. I believe there are many
opportunities for each of us to get our writing into print online and in print.
The market guides are filled with publications who are actively looking for
writers and content. You simply have to pitch something they want you to
Are you strategically trying to
get published in different places. Let me know in the comments
Are You Missing A Key Element to Publish Your Book? Get the details here
Are You Missing A Key Element to Publish Your Book? Get the details here
Labels: articles, Book Proposals That Sell, books, guest blogging, Publish In Many Different Places, publishing, Terry Whalin, The Writing Life

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