Get My Latest Free Ebook
This week I did a teleseminar with Platform Building Ideas For Every Author. As a part of that teleseminar, I created a free Ebook.
Here's where you can get it (just click the image):
Or you can go to this page.
I'm excited about this new resource and believe if writers study the contents, follow the clickable links, then they will make great strides to increase their attractiveness to literary agents and book publishers.
I look forward to your feedback about this new resource.

3 Comment:
Wow, this is so generous. I learned quite a lot just listening to your teleseminar with Rosey Dow, but to also get this e-book was a great bonus.
The point is to focus and get your name out there, no matter what it is you write (nonfiction or fiction,) and with the ever-changing market, this is so helpful. Thanks!
It is very generous, and that is what we need to see more of in america. Free stuff to help people succeed. Why make someone pay for something that doesn't have any money? Not fair.
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Wow, I was so amazed when I stumbled upon this from Darlene Schacht's blog. It is just what I needed to read today. Thank YOU!
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