The Loops of Life
Doesn’t life just seem to throw you off some days? It does for me. I returned a few days ago from the Glorieta conference invigorated with all sorts of ideas and plans to write about the Writing Life.
Whenever I found a few extra minutes to call home (only briefly once a day with our intense schedule at this conference), my wife sounded terrible. Christine was sleeping lots and believed she had the stomach flu. I felt bad but there was little I could do from a distance other than encourage her to get some rest and get better.
When I returned home, Christine had not improved so I pushed her to get into the doctor on Monday. Running a temperature and still having flu-like symptoms, the doctor didn’t know exactly what was happening. He ordered a x-ray and CAT scan for tests. The results didn’t come back to him until late Monday and were read early Tuesday. Yesterday morning we got a call to head to the hospital because the films showed her appendix had ruptured. For most of the day, I waited with Christine in the pre-op room then spent a bit of time with her after surgery. They removed her appendix and cleaned out the area of infection but she will be in the hospital several days. I’m handling some chores here at home, then spending my day at the hospital—away from my computer—again.
The ideas I had for these writing life entries — some lessons that I picked up at the conference—will keep for another day. I’m off to care for my wife. Life has thrown another loop into my schedule for a day or so. It happens—and it happens to all of us.

10 Comment:
I will pray for you and your wife. It was great meeting you...and the ideas from the conference brain was/is swollen...
Pam...New Boston, Texas
Here's praying Christine makes a quick recovery and is back on her feet stronger than ever. Nothing is more important than our families.
Wow, Terry, I'm thanking God for protecting Christine. A ruptured appendix, going on that long! It's amazing she hung in there like she did.
Great to be with you at the conference. Even better to hear you're home taking care of your wife.
Blessings always,
~ Brandilyn
Things come to a stand still when our loved ones are hurt. It's as though the things that mattered so much just momments ago blur out of focus until they're ok.
I pray she's her old self again soon.
Terry, so sorry to hear about Christine. Keeping you both in my prayers.
I'm praying that your wife will have a quick recovery. She must have been so worried while you were away at the conference -- I'm thankful she was able to get to the hospital in time.
Thanks for sharing this with us -- our families are truly a gift from God.
Terry, as a RN, I know how dangerous that was. Praise God that He hand His hands on your wife. And thank God she has you to take care of her too. I'll say a prayer for you both.
My appreciation for each of you who have prayed, posted and also sent individual emails. It's a bit overwhelming but received with gratitude. Christine is slowly improving and we're hopeful that she can come home soon. Her recovery will be measured in weeks and not days--so there is a long road ahead for us.
terry, I am praying that Christine has a speedy recovery. god is so good. I thank Him for His protective hand!
praying for you and your wife. thank goodness her body withstood the trauma for such a long time. and thank goodness her physicians are treating the infection. thanks for all you do.
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