A New Resource for Writers
For the last several years, I've been on the road about once a month teaching at various writers conferences. If you look at my schedule for this year, I'll be at a number of forthcoming events including three conferences next month.
I know it takes time and financial resources to attend a writer's conference and isn't available for everyone. I've collected several of my resources and bundled them into a three-CD audio set called Editor Reveals Book Proposal Secrets. This product is available and you can learn about it on the website but I wanted to do something more to launch it into the marketplace.
Whether you've heard me teach at a writer's conference or not, do you have a question about the creation of book proposals or the publishing process? I'd love for you to ask that question and have created a place for you to do it. Go to http://www.askterrywhalin.com/ and register for my free live teleseminar next Tuesday, June 5th. If you are away from your computer, you can call into the teleseminar on your phone or if you are near a computer, you can listen to the free webcast. I'm eager to receive your questions and the contents of the teleseminar will answer your questions.
It's almost impossible for the average writer to get an editor on the telephone--and if they do get the editor or the agent, they are probably making the wrong impression (a negative one). Why? The bulk of publishing doesn’t involve an oral pitch to an editor but comes from your written materials--your actual manuscript and your book proposal. Yes, you have appointments at writer's conferences where you give a short oral pitch, but in the end, it will be the words you've written on the page which will make the difference between receiving a book contract or a rejection letter.
As an additional incentive for you (and others) to register for the free teleseminar, on the confirmation page (where you receive the phone number for the teleseminar and the website for the webcast), you will receive a link to a free hour-long workshop that I taught called Straight Talk from the Editor. This workshop material relates to my new audio product.
I hope to speak to you during next week's live teleseminar.
Labels: book proposal, editor, teleseminar, Terry Whalin, writers conferences

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